quinta-feira, 9 de novembro de 2006


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A Nintendo Wii chega a Portugal a 8 de Dezembro. A PlayStation 3 vem aí em Março.

Num como no outro caso, o stock inicial deve ser limitado a umas centenas ou escassos milhares de unidades. É certo que não vai haver para toda a gente, particularmente no caso da PS3, a braços com a incapacidade da Sony para produzir os díodos laser necessários ao Blu-Ray. E mesmo quem tiver feito pré-encomendas pode vir a ter de sofrer.

Alguns optam por descobrir que grandes superfícies terão consolas à venda e acampam lá, frequentemente com muitas horas de antecedência.
Para estes aqui fica um “manual de sobrevivência” – que terá necessariamente de ser adaptado à realidade portuguesa (ou brasileira, para aqueles que me estiverem a ler do outro lado do Atlântico) - elaborado por quem tem experiência de muitos lançamentos dramáticos de consolas.

Aqui fica um “cheirinho”:

“(…) you might even want to start a “watch” around the store… As you or your buddies pass by the store on your normal route in the days leading up to the launch, give them a shout out via mobile phone if you happen to see anyone lining up. And bring your stuff with you. If you see folks starting to form the line, perhaps you’d want to consider parking the car and hopping on the line yourself.
If you’re going to make any kind of serious sacrifice to get your new next generation system, you’ll want to bring all of the necessary essentials for survival. Those fold up plastic and fabric chairs are practically made for events like this. Also, November = winter. Dress for an outdoor trip. (Don’t forget, most of that time will be spent sitting in one place.) Bring food (including enough extras for the guy you met outside whose brother works inside Target. It could pay off.) Having some kind of makeshift pillow would be a good idea, but the plastic fold up chair is essential.
If you’re in the rare situation where you feel that you’re not safe, go back to the store. (…) I’d rather wait inside the store — even for an hour or more until the situation is safe — than to have the system in hand, only hours from glory and rush out into danger, not only putting the system in jeopardy, but your life as well (…)”.
O resto está aqui. Boa sorte.